While the Licensor continues to own the Software, the Licensor grants the Licensee, after Licensee‟s acceptance of this License Agreement, the Limited, non-exclusive license to use on copy of the current version of Licensed Product as described below. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, the Software is the property of the Licensor and is protected by Copyright Law.

Licensor may furnish hardware with the Licensed Product (“Hardware”) The current version of the accompanying software (“Software”) and documentation (“Documentation”) are collectively referred to as the “Licensed Product”. Honest Technology is referred to as the “Licensor”. In this license agreement (the “License Agreement”), you (either individual or an entity), the purchaser of the license rights granted by this License Agreement, are referred to as “licensee” or “You”. IF YOU DOWNLOADED THIS SOFTWARE, PLEASE REMOVE THE SOFTWARE FROM YOUR COMPUTER AND CONTACT YOUR SUPPLIER TO REQUEST A REFUND. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, PROMPTLY REMOVE THE SOFTWARE FROM YOUR COMPUTER AND RETURN THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING THE DOCUMENTATION, TO YOUR SUPPLIER AND YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Honestech VHS to DVD Deluxe is a neat application that can capture videos from old VHS analog cassettes, then burn them to digital DVD or Blu-ray discs.IMPORTANT: READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE CONTINUING THIS INSTALLATION. Downlaod at: Tags- Free Download Honestech VHS to DVD 7.0 Deluxe Product Key Generator download Honestech VHS to DVD 7.0 Deluxe Product Key. Multimedia tools downloads - honestech VHS to DVD Deluxe by Honest Technology Co. And many more programs are available for instant and free download.

#HONESTECH VHS TO DVD 5.0 DELUXE SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD SERIAL KEY# VHS to DVD 8.0 Deluxe provides everything you need to easily create professional looking videos, edit and convert your videos to other formats, it allows you to Capture video from VCR, Camcorder, TV, DVD players and convert them into DVD movies, transfer and convert your video, trim out unwanted scenes, combine multiple clips, add video transitions, titles and special effects. #HONESTECH VHS TO DVD 5.0 DELUXE SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD SERIAL KEY#.